When your company tagline explains that it’s all about performance, you cannot possibly miss out on the CMG 2016 conference. The fact that this edition’s venue was at La Jolla, San Diego, made it all even more pleasant! The temptation
Two-thirds of IT decision makers assert that there is an average gap of about four months between what the business expects and what IT can provide. SDDC is VMware's answer.
Why use guest level metrics, when virtualization platforms already gives you a wealth of metrics? We are going to perform some experiments and see...
Day 2 started at 8.30 with a full morning session of keynotes. The exceptional presenters of this session are Steve Souders (Google) and John Allspaw (Etsy.com). After an unexpected entry on stage (figure), the show started.
While we attended several events in the past as partners of HP, it's our first time attending this O'Reilly conference.
There's a lot of marketing hype going on about cloud computing as the fabulous opportunity to drop IT costs and save the planet from CO2 emissions. Large companies from all around the industry spectrum (telco, finance, retails, etc.) have been
In the age of virtualization and cloud computing are Organizations able to provide business services every time their customers expect it, even if a Disaster happens? I asked myself this question as I perceive a false sense of security from
Companies that have chosen to chargeback their IT costs to final users (departments, companies, etc), find that the usage of virtualized environments is challenging the chargeback strategies they have traditionally adopted.