Santa Clara Moviri

Velocity Conference 2011 – Day 1 Journal

While we attended several events in the past as partners of HP, it's our first time attending this O'Reilly conference.

A Performance Optimization Maturity Model

In our experience, the most affordable way to address performance optimization is to follow a maturity model based on a pragmatic, staged approach.

Effective design of load test virtual users

When designing virtual users to be run during load test activities, there are some points to be taken in account to collect realistic and reliable performance measurements:

Hosting is dead. Long live the Cloud: Who can truly benefit from Cloud Computing?

There's a lot of marketing hype going on about cloud computing as the fabulous opportunity to drop IT costs and save the planet from CO2 emissions. Large companies from all around the industry spectrum (telco, finance, retails, etc.) have been

Managing Continuity in the Cloud era

In the age of virtualization and cloud computing are Organizations able to provide business services every time their customers expect it, even if a Disaster happens? I asked myself this question as I perceive a false sense of security from

How Virtualization affects IT Costs Chargeback strategies

Companies that have chosen to chargeback their IT costs to final users (departments, companies, etc), find that the usage of virtualized environments is challenging the chargeback strategies they have traditionally adopted.

Top 5 tips for an effective “Capacity Planning” report

Capacity Managers suffer from a common pain. We share a few key factors that make a Capacity Planning report (a Capacity Plan) effective.

Is it fair that Google ranks better fast web pages?

Recently Google has announced (on its webmaster blog) that its PageRank algorithm would include "page load time" to rank search results. Here's our take on it.

Why CMDB initiatives matter and how to make them work

I just had an interesting discussion with CMDB experts at Moviri. I asked my collegues why a company should implement a CMDB solution and what makes a CMDB project a success. Some interesting insights came out in the discussion and

Neptuny to become Moviri after BMC acquires Caplan product

Neptuny today announced that it has sold its Caplan technology, the flagship capacity management product, to BMC Software, Inc. [NYSE: BMC].