Moviri expands today its integration suite for BMC capacity management solutions, BMC Capacity Optimization (BCO), with the introduction of two new connectors and the first Moviri out-of-the-box view, a dashboard that allows zero-time in-depth capacity analysis on transferred data.
New in release 5.0:
Moviri Integration for BCO – HP BSM Extracts end-user monitoring data, both synthetic and real users’, from HP Business Service Management (former Business Availability Center, BAC) to correlate customers service experience and transaction volumes with IT infrastructure utilization.
Moviri Integration for BCO – HP SiteScope — Extracts performance and configuration data from HP monitoring tool to BMC Capacity Optimization by leveraging SiteScope “external database logging” functionality
In addition to the new supported HP products, Moviri releases today Network View. Moviri Integration for BCO – Network View makes network data, imported by other Moviri Integrations, zero-time-actionable in terms of capacity assessment and provisioning forecasts. It enables BCO customers to slice and dice their network by multiple dimensions and drill down to the most sensitive spots. Moviri ships Network View for Entuity and HP NNMi.
Moviri and BMC add the new integrations to the existing portfolio of officially supported integrations:
Moviri Integrations for BCO are connectors provided as one-click-deploy packages, a ready to use solution sold on BMC MarketZone and ensured with the same level of support as the BMC native connectors; they increase coverage of the Capacity Management process enabling additional integrations in BCO.