We recently joined our partners at Splunk at the global annual Splunk .conf2014 conference, which took place on October 6-9, 2014 in Las Vegas. We had the pleasure to share the stage there with one of our key clients and
Two-thirds of IT decision makers assert that there is an average gap of about four months between what the business expects and what IT can provide. SDDC is VMware's answer.
DCD Converged is a one-day, peer-led data center conference that gathers IT and Facility professionals. Here’s some highlights from the two sessions we have found the most interesting.
Every year MIP, Politecnico di Milan's school of management, organizes a conference to present the results of its research on the Internet of Things market. Moviri was in attendance and we are pleased to report some of the key themes.
Few weeks ago Moviri attended the Strata Conference 2013 in Santa Clara, California. Here's a few highlights on the most interesting trends and topics.
Santa Clara, June 27, 2012 – Our last day at the Velocity Conference 2012. The morning session is organized like the previous one, with several talks grouped by the two main topics of the conference: Stronger and Faster. The exhibit
Day 2 started at 8.30 with a full morning session of keynotes. The exceptional presenters of this session are Steve Souders (Google) and John Allspaw (Etsy.com). After an unexpected entry on stage (figure), the show started.
Stefano Doni and I are first timers at the O'Reilly Velocity Conference 2012. Scheduled sessions sound very interesting and we were very curious to attend our first day.
Ready for the third and last day at Velocity Conference, starting with a very interesting keynote: how Facebook approaches optimization in datacenter consumption.